
Exports serve as the entry point to your stylesheet, combining all of the pieces that make up the publicly exposed parts of your application.

graph LR; classDef default fill:#eaeaea,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px; classDef active fill:#fff,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px; CONFIG(Configs); CORE(Core); VENDORS(Vendors); MODULES(Modules); LAYOUTS(Layouts); UNITS(Units); PAGES(Pages); HELPERS(Helpers); HOTFIXES(Hotfixes); EXPORTS(Exports); CONFIG-->CORE; HELPERS-->CORE; CORE-->VENDORS; VENDORS---LAYOUTS; VENDORS---MODULES; MODULES---UNITS; LAYOUTS---UNITS; UNITS-->PAGES; PAGES-->HOTFIXES; HOTFIXES-->EXPORTS; class EXPORTS active;

How do I structure their files and folders?

├── custom-page.scss
└── core.scss


// 1. <-configs->
@import "../configs/default/index";
@import "../configs/secondary/index";

// 2. <-functions->
@import "../helpers/functions/function";

// 3. <-mixins->
@import "../helpers/mixins/mixin";

// 4. <-core->
@import "../core/base";

// 5. <-vendors->
@import "../vendors/plugin";

// 6. <-layouts->
@import "../layouts/grid/index";

// 7. <-modules->
@import "../modules/button/index";
@import "../modules/heading/index";
@import "../modules/link/index";

// 8. <-units->
@import "../units/header/index";
@import "../units/hero/index";

// 9. <-pages->
@import "../pages/some-page/index";
@import "../pages/some-other-page/index";

// 10. <-hotfixes->
@import "../hotfixes/fix";


  • Export files will compile to publicly available .css stylesheets.


You can automatically create an export file with the Plum Generator by running the following command:

  • yo plum:export <name>