
Pages are templates built out of modules and units that also contain non-reusable styles specific to this page.

graph LR; classDef default fill:#eaeaea,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px; classDef active fill:#fff,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px; CONFIG(Configs); CORE(Core); VENDORS(Vendors); MODULES(Modules); LAYOUTS(Layouts); UNITS(Units); PAGES(Pages); HELPERS(Helpers); HOTFIXES(Hotfixes); EXPORTS(Exports); CONFIG-->CORE; HELPERS-->CORE; CORE-->VENDORS; VENDORS---LAYOUTS; VENDORS---MODULES; MODULES---UNITS; LAYOUTS---UNITS; UNITS-->PAGES; PAGES-->HOTFIXES; HOTFIXES-->EXPORTS; class PAGES active;

How do they work?

Pages are created using only class selectors and can directly affect all the properties of an element.

How do I use them?

Pages are built by creating classes under a chosen namespace and by extending and subclassing module and/or unit classes:

  • .page - define the default classes for a page.
  • .page-child - define the child classes for a page.
  • .page-unit - extend and subclass an existing unit for use in a page.
  • .page-module - extend and subclass an existing module for use in a page.

How do I document them?

Pages should be documented with a name, description, fixture reference, and category.

How do I test them?

Visual regression tests for pages can be created, setup, and run by following the documentation located here.

How do I structure their files & folders?

└── page
    ├── _index.scss
    └── tests
        ├── baselines
        │   └── page.png
        ├── fixtures
        │   └── page.hbs
        └── page.js


You can automatically create and @import a page file with the Plum Generator by running the following command:

  • yo plum:page <name>