
A modules theme classes define the look and feel of a module.

graph TD; classDef default fill:#eaeaea,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px; classDef active fill:#fff,stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px; MODULES(Modules); MODULE1(Module 1); MODULES---MODULE1; MODULE1---MODULES-BASE(Base); MODULE1---MODULES-MODIFIER(Modifier); MODULE1---MODULES-STATE(State); MODULE1---MODULES-THEME(Theme); MODULE1---MODULES-LAYOUT(Layout); class MODULES-THEME active;

How do they work?

Themes are created using only class selectors and can contain any properties needed to change the look and feel of a module.

How do I use them?

Theme classes are applied by appending .module-t-* and/or .module-child-t-* to one of a modules base classes.